Asset 20
Step by step

Web Security & Deployment Roadmap

Web Security and deployment are two important aspects of web development. They ensure availability and security to the end users.

Deploying application to a remote host makes it accessible around the globe at all times. Securing application ensures it is unaffected by several attcaks like CSRF, session attcaks etc..

Web Security

This chaptor takes us through different security vulnerabilities which can imapct the opertions of a web application.

  • CSRF AttackPRO
  • XSS AttackPRO
  • DDoS Attack
  • Session AttacksPRO
  • CORS PolicyPRO
Exercises / Projects
  • Explain CSRF & XSS prevention methodsPRO
  • Explain DDos and session attacksPRO
  • What is CORS ?

Deploying Node/React Applications

Deployment is moving local application from development server to remote host on production server like AWS, digitalocean etc..which runs 24*7 to make our application availbale at all times.

Exercises / Projects
  • Deploy a node/express app on digitaloceanPRO
  • Deploy a Fllstack app on digitaloceanPRO

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