Asset 20
Step by step

React Fundamentals Roadmap

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

Introduction to React and Components

We will start our learning with Why React? Going forward we will also learn to create components, using props and handling events.

Exercises / Projects

Understanding State and Forms

We will learn about different types of components, making components more powerful by using state and handling user inputs.

Exercises / Projects

Lifecycle Methods and Routing

We will learn about the lifecycle of a component. We will also learn about client side routing using react router dom.

Exercises / Projects

Final Project: Medium clone

Take a look at the live demo of the given application and try to recreate it. To recreate you will beed API informations. You can use the link given below for API specifications.

  1. Live Demo

  2. API Specifications

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