JavaScript is a language of the web. It can make a web page alive by making it dynamic. It can change the HTML and CSS of the page based on user interactions.
Value, Variables, Types and Operators
Learn about the most fundamental concept of a programming language i.e understanding values. We will also learn about different types of values ways of storing and manupulating them.
- Why Learn JavaScript?
- Hello World in JavaScript
- Understanding Values
- Storing a Value in Variable
- Writing a comment
- String Template Literal
- Type Conversion
- Implicit and Explicit Type Conversion
- Truthy and Falsy Values
- Basic Math Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Comparison and Logical Operators
- Logical Operators
- Making decision in code
- Expression and Statement
- Repeating Actions with Loops
- Hello World in JavaScript
- Values, Types and typeof
- Accessing and Assigning Values
- String Template Literal
- Type Conversion & Truthy and Falsy
- Practice Different Operators
- Practice Loop and Making Decision
- Assignment Level 2 & 3
Working with Functions
Learn about combining multiple steps into a function. We will also learn about different ways of difining a function.
- Writing your first function
- Understanding argument and aeturn
- Scope and Default Parameter
- Nature of Scope
- Different Types of Functions
- Practice Writing Function with Arguments and Return
- Practice Function and Return
- Practice Writing Different Types of Functions
- Practice Writing Functions (Advanced)
- Solving Codewars Problems
Data Structure (Objects and Arrays)
Learn about better ways to organise a complicated data set using Objects and Arrays. We will also learn about operations like creating, updating and deleting.
- Working with Objects
- Working with Arrays
- Combining Arrays and Objects
- Copy by Value and Reference
- Primitive and Non-Primitive
- Practice Accessing and Assigning Properties and Values in Objects and Arrays
- Practicing Dot and Bracket Notation
- Practice Manipulating Arrays
- Combining Arrays and Objects
- Practice Copy by Value and Copy by Reference
- Copy vs Cloning Non-Primitive Data Types
Array and String Methods
Learn about using array and string methods. These methods will help us do different operations on string and array.
- Higher Order Function
- Methods of Primitives
- Basic Strign Methods
- Basic Array Methods
- Methods to Add and Remove Items
- Array.forEach
- Searching in array
- Transform an array
- Other Array Mehtods
- Practice Scopr, Scope Chain and Nature of Scope
- Practicing Higher Order FunctionsPRO
- Practicing String MethodsPRO
- Visualise Array MethodsPRO
- Practicing Array and Srring Methods
- Implement Array MethodsPRO
Browser: DOM and Events
We will learn about making a web page dynamic by adding, removing and manipulating elements of the page. We will also learn to make the web page interactive by handling events like click, moving the mouse etc.
Browser and DOM
We will learn to selecting and manipulating the element on the web page. It will help us to make the web page dynamic.
- Understanding Browser Environment
- Introduction to the DOM
- Understanding the DOM Tree and Nodes
- Selecting Elements in DOM
- How To Traverse the DOM
- How To Make Changes to the DOM
- How To Modify Attributes, Classes, and Styles in the DOM
- Practice Selecting and Manipulating Elements
- Making a Clock
- People of GOT app (Dynamic App)PRO
- Practice Selecting and Manipulating Elements AdvancedPRO
DOM and Events
We will learn to handle different kind of events like mouse and keyboard. We will also learn to take input from user using input elements.
- Introduction to Browser Events
- Bubbling and capturing
- Event Delegation
- Understanding Default Actions
- Mouse Events
- Handling Inputs
- Form Validation using HTMLPRO
- Form Validation
- Random Color Generator
- Making a Drum Kit
- Rock Paper and Scissor GamePRO
- Handling Different Input Elements with ValidationPRO
- Making a TODO applicationPRO
- Memory Game
- Create Your First Chrome ExtensionPRO